Tenacity Dynamics is a company based in Gothenburg, Sweden focusing on creating safer and stronger individuals by education in Defensive Tactics, Combatives, Self Defense, Personal Safety and Physical development.

We improve the Tactical Strength of the individual and the group.

Tactical Strength is being able to handle yourself by having Tactical, Technical, Physical and Mental tools to deal with whatever the environment brings, no matter if in i a hight risk environment or in a self defense situation.

Tactical Strength is the pure physical strength, work capacity, endurance and mobility that makes your daily life easier. A strong, capable, lean functional body without bulk that doesn’t quit, no matter what …

Tactical Strength is also having a tactical upper hand when it comes to Defensive tactics and self-defense situations whether it be that one has to physically deal with a violent situation directly or to get out of it in a more preventive and tactical behavior.

All the services/products we offer is natural to the body, extremely functional and effective, they will get you results and increase the quality of your life no matter which one you choose.

No matter what your life brings to you, no matter what shape you are in, no matter what your job is Tenacity Dynamics has the knowledge, the tools and the experience to help you!


Training Programs

Training Programs

Online Coaching

Training Programs

Online Coaching


Online Coaching


Training Programs

Hybrid Krav-Maga